Friday, October 31, 2014

The Wanderings of Wilbert the Wondrous Waffle

My breakfast began with bacon

And was followed with fluffier foods:

A waffle with white sails of whipped cream

Sailing on a sea of sugary syrup.

My mind meandered meaninglessly

About the amazing armament

Such a ship should store

Against the perilous pancake pirates

And the frightening French toast fiends.

Now a name seemed necessary for this new nautical novelty,

Wherefore “Wilbert the Wondrous” was written

In streams of syrup on its side.

This boat began its being with a bagel battle

With cream cheese and croissants crossing

In awesome arcs across the sea,

Before the bagels were beaten with a breakfaster’s bite,

Well welcomed by the Wondrous Wilbert.

The English muffins and eggs effected an edict,

A treaty with the Texas toast,

To prevent the pancakes from proving a problem,

By arranging an army to augment

The Waffle’s wondrous workings.

This friendly force fried the French toast fiends

While our protagonists plunged the pancakes off a pastry precipice.

Wilbert the Wondrous wafted westward,

Sailing the shining syrup sea,

Entering erroneously to its end.

A fork finished the fearless flagship.

Wilbert, though, was wanted widely for the wars,

Because breakfast had barely begun.