Friday, October 31, 2014

The Wanderings of Wilbert the Wondrous Waffle

My breakfast began with bacon

And was followed with fluffier foods:

A waffle with white sails of whipped cream

Sailing on a sea of sugary syrup.

My mind meandered meaninglessly

About the amazing armament

Such a ship should store

Against the perilous pancake pirates

And the frightening French toast fiends.

Now a name seemed necessary for this new nautical novelty,

Wherefore “Wilbert the Wondrous” was written

In streams of syrup on its side.

This boat began its being with a bagel battle

With cream cheese and croissants crossing

In awesome arcs across the sea,

Before the bagels were beaten with a breakfaster’s bite,

Well welcomed by the Wondrous Wilbert.

The English muffins and eggs effected an edict,

A treaty with the Texas toast,

To prevent the pancakes from proving a problem,

By arranging an army to augment

The Waffle’s wondrous workings.

This friendly force fried the French toast fiends

While our protagonists plunged the pancakes off a pastry precipice.

Wilbert the Wondrous wafted westward,

Sailing the shining syrup sea,

Entering erroneously to its end.

A fork finished the fearless flagship.

Wilbert, though, was wanted widely for the wars,

Because breakfast had barely begun.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Descent of the Stars Part 3 of 3

Now sing angels to their liege lord,

Pain they have at their great parting,

Orbs long did they inhabit,

Matter theirs while in they dwelt.

Matter good for form it taketh,

Planets good for habitation.

These are now forever formless,

Ever lordless, ever guideless.

Form and matter there were parted,

Lovers gone and never meeting,

Severed as the soul from body

At the moment of last breathing,

For the spirit is of breathing,

Life in blood and means of speaking.

See the plan, the great unfolding,

God, the lord, all self-sufficient,

All for Love, in great abundance,

Made the world, a something other,

Matter first, then form descending,

Out from mind, the great Ideas.

See these now upon the grasses,

In this very woodland meadow

Now they gather dancing logic,

Subtlety may there be found,

Slithering upon the woodland,

Strength is there, a great high lion,

Casting forth his mighty power,

Over all that stands or withers.

Chair and Table, Earth and Water,

Snub and Point, lords Red and Blue,

Yellow, Book, and Seedling greening,

All these Forms upon the woodland,

Coming out from all creation,

Whither they had gone most gladly,

Seeing good in Matter present,

At the Architect’s commanding.

“O Matter, why do we leave you,

Oh, our friend in bygone ages,

You who found us, lonely, wan’dring,

Gave us home and rest and greeting,”

Thus the song of all the Angels

And the Forms there in that meeting.

Making Man last in his image,

God did make the first creation,

Made to grow into his likeness.

Casting off this glorious calling,

Man did fall at serpent’s prompting,

Dancing higher, dancing lower,

Than their roles were meant to travel.

Thus they now descend to nothing,

Ever downward, ever deathward,

Leaden natures ever heavy.

Far from God there is no being,

Far from God now they were seeking,

Though they held the spark he gave them,

Holding being, ever dying,

Needing him to come and save them.

Thus the Reason of all being,

Architect, the high and noble,

Came into an earthly vessel,

Infinite as finite being,

Came indeed as man among us,

Showing us how we should be.

We, despising, scorned and mocked him,

Set him on the four branch tree,

Upward, downward ever going,

Unified in him upon it,

Left and right contrary reaching,

Unified in him upon it,

War within Creation ceasing,

Form and Matter, Man and Woman,

Now great peace is made between them,

They at war since loss of Eden,

May they come at last to share in

That great peace on that day purchased.

There was he, the lord of Being,

Separated from himself there,

Son by Father there forgotten,

Though all knowing and all seeing.

There to face the great unbeing,

For our sake, we fading lost ones.

Lord of being Nothing breaketh,

For how could the Nothing hold him?

How the Darkness ever break him?

See the Easter morn arising,

Christ ascending, Christ arising,

Bringing light to all who follow,

Falling, rising, in his footsteps,

Holy Water out of Nothing,

In which we his path do follow.

Holy Bread and Drink of Being

Now do bring the transmutation

Of our Souls and of our Bodies,

Under Spirit’s ghostly leading.

Form and matter once divided,

Soul and body once were sundered,

Brought to Death in painful breaking,

Now rejoined in Glorious union,

In the Life of Christ are risen.

In this Life the Church was founded,

Those transformed by this his Passion.

He the leaven of salvation,

Now throughout the world is blended,

New world brought out from the old one,

That one fading, this one clearing.

Now is time for greatest union,

Church and Christ to marriage coming,

Bride most holy and most lovely,

Groom most loving and defending.

That once broken now is mended.

Stars sing now about their homeland,

Forms sing now about their instance,

That dear Matter that they loveth.

Christ doth hear their protestations,

He is present in the Matter,

He is present in the Formal,

He is able to unite them,

Brought to Death for Resurrection,

For they needed such division,

So that they may come together,

In a perfect union holy,

In a new created Heavens,

Break and glue in rightful dancing,

Thus is brought the transformation,

Thus is brought the transmutation.

Now to them again they come,

Joyful at their new reunion,

Form with Matter one is builded,

Guide with Orb a planet formed.

Now to mark out different seasons

In this newly made creation,

Choirs of angels round the planets,

Now line in four groups of triples,

On the walls of that great city,

New Jerusalem descending,

These four groups on these four bulwarks,

That enwall this mighty city.

Now the yearly flowing circle

Now is squared, with time restoring,

Now they show for days and seasons,

God his time has now established.

Form and Matter, under new law,

Cease to groan from Death and anguish,

As the new day is appearing,

All is bright and all is holy,

In the Light of Christ the risen.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Descent of the Stars Part 2

Now behold the choirs of angels.

Water bearing or capricious,

Are beholden to lord Saturn.

Standing at the yearly doorway,

Bringing to us death and rising.

Time of light and time of darkness,

Time of year when light is bleakest.

Sol dies not though leaden tempered,

But begins the yearly rising.

Showing yearly what our great Lord

Did when tomb could never hold him.

Archer and the Fish surround them,

Ruled by Jupiter the kingly,

See not fish but Lord of fishers,

Seeking souls that he should save them,

From the death that had befallen.

See the Archer, sign of Eros,

Image of the great Creator,

Bringing order out of Chaos,

Striking down the great Behemoth,

Water battle with the sea snake,

The Leviathan, that monster,

That did terrify the waters,

And cast Ziz from out of heaven,

That had blackened star and moonlight.

Scorpion and then the Ram,

These are under Martial guidance.

Scorpion the great divider,

Poison is he ever bringing,

To the detriment of many,

As the Snake mankind deceiving.

Then remember Isaac, promised

To the sacrifice demanded,

‘Til was made the great replacement,

In a Ram so fitly coming.

Blood descending, life uplifting.

Bull and Scales around them rising,

One is Stubborn, other Equal,

Under Venus, bringing nature.

Stubborn nature oft downbringing,

Far from he who would redeem us,

Bringing balance with his great Love,

So that we may not be wanting,

“Tekel” shall not be our writing.

Twins and Virgin, subtle, coming,

Under Hermes find their meaning.

Single face in different being,

Mirror of the One as Triple,

And the Three in One as gathered,

And the One of double nature,

Fully human fully Godhead,

Born on Earth of Virgin holy,

Bringing hope of our salvation.

Crab the next, Orion slaying,

Under Luna’s silver lighting.

All the earthen creatures crying

For salvation from the hunter.

Unlooked for the cure is sended,

The faith of all the evidence bringing.

Last the mighty Solar Lion,

Light of Gold the dark defeating,

Leaden weight now turned to lightness,

World remakéd, death defeated.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Descent of the Stars Part 1

Stars descending out from heaven,

Bright and Shining, Night enlightening,

Twilight made as clear as Noon day,

Summoned out from dark abysses

By their Lord who made the heavens,

Out from Orbs now darkened always

Formless now for they are Lordless,

Guiding angels far departed.

Sky now darkened, void and formless.

On the ground come they to brighten,

Shining angels nobly dancing.

Seven planets circling fitly,

Treading verdant earthen grasses,

Choirs of angels, twelve in number,

Dance the year round these great seven.

Luna first, the ever changing,

Monthly lighting, monthly fading,

Amongst earth and heaven gliding,

Part unchanging, part mutating,

Double movement earth to heaven,

Sky to dust is then returning,

Bringing out from doubtful pathways

Certain knowledge of the sure things.

Hermes next, the dark’ning bright’ner,

Back and forth is ever leading,

Breaking, washing, always hiding,

Gluing that which once was broken,

Downwards, Upwards, Gravely leading

Down to Death though ever laughing,

Stealing, Joking, ever Crying,

All is one and all is twofold

 In this merry dance of Hermes.

Venus’ circle next is present,

Brightest star of all the heavens,

Gained when lord thereof had fallen,

Taking third of angels with him.

Out of death new life she beareth,

Merely shadow though she may be

Of the Holy Queen of Heaven.

Sol is next, the golden burning,

Reason bringing, law upholding,

Men from out of cave enlightening,

Freeing men from dark unknowing,

Lighting Earth so man may see it,

Showing justly how God’s Reason

Bringeth things illumination

Hidden from mere mortal senses.

Mars doth follow, sword unsheathing,

Like to Michael’s image, bringing

War to Devil’s armies raging.

Winter gone, now spring upbringing.

Jove now comes, in counter temper,

Laughing loudly, sounding jolly,

Image of the king of Heaven,

Ruling justly, sending mercy,

For the just and all of mercy

Find in him their happy union.

Wearing cloak of purest whiteness,

But for spot of bloody ruby

Image of the death of the King

For his people life providing.

Crushing serpent and strong lion,

These the very signs of tyrants,

Force and Fraud most truly naméd.

Last of all the lord most dreadful,

He the lord of aging darkness,

Though the lord of aged wisdom.

Stars are gathered in his presence,

For he knows their lordly dances.

Rust and moth are his great servants,

Age and death to bring destruction.

All surrounding, all discerning,

Such the woeful way of Saturn.